Wednesday, November 16, 2005

little hut

So after all my hootin' and hollerin', I found a place today where I will happily be for the next five days or so.

This is my hut:
It is slightly closer to other huts than I was hoping for, and without hammock or mosquito net, but it's home to me.

And this is the view from my doorway/window:While swimming I thought I saw a small stingray in the water, but then I thought it was a large leaf. Now I am not real sure.

Four other animals and their sounds:

1. Turkeys, which wander around the bungalows and go gobble

2. Geckos, which gurgle and sound like a shisha pipe.

3. Many crabs in the rocks, which scurry and make clicking sounds on the rock, which echo.

4. An unseen insect (or, less likely, a bird), which makes a constant, neverending highpitched squeal, like the cross between a boiled kettle at full steam, and an air-raid siren. You can hear it for kilometres (almost).

1 comment:

  1. aaaahh chris - i am the most jealous! that place looks amazing and your hut, even better :)
    so your little sista tells me that youre bored... hmmm. meanwhile i am slaving away programming a million days of summer! soon i will email you some daily plans and you can fill in the blanks with some of those amazing ideas that you always have :)
    ps i waana see those kilt pics too!
