Thursday, April 13, 2006

Quick Administrative Notes

1. Later today I will be going to the Philippines for a couple of weeks. I plan to update more frequently than I have been in recent times. You might even get photos.
2. I have a new blog, in addition to this one, but I haven't really updated it yet since the first night I made it, so we'll see if it ever actually comes to anything. Its called the Chimerical Clam-Bake (regretably) and its meant to just be a collection of linkage to things that capture my attention for short periods of time. Please email me suggestions.
3. If you borrow someones bike to go to the service station to buy Ginger Beer before a game of Scattegories don't forget to put it back inside the house before you sit down to play, because otherwise it will probably get stolen later on and you'll have to give your friend $400 for a new bike.
4. Recently enjoyed:
{film} Paradise Now (2005)
{book} The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil - George Saunders
{comic} Acme Novelty Library 15 - Chris Ware
{food} sushi from Taka in Shafto Lane
{concert} Sigur Ros at Perth Concert Hall
{person} Katie Moore
{phrase} "lemon squinty"
{article} "My Crowd" by Bill Wasik (from Harpers Magazine)
{juice} guava nectar
{customer} Hollie Raymond
{Perth band} Institute Polaire
{teen slang} "totally H.K." (abbrev.=Hard Kore)
{arabic word} "shebab" (def: youth)
{pen} Faber-Castell PITT artist pen, small, light brown


  1. Anonymous3:40 pm

    Thank you for that Harper's link. A fascinating article.

    Any links re: hipsters, you reckon, to (a friend's project)?

    It sounds like you're in the mood for some Pablo Neruda poetry, my lovelorn friend...

  2. Anonymous2:28 pm

    hey kiddo,
    hope you are well.
    i just got the new TV on the radio (out here in july), which doesn't seem very fair given you are a way more bigger fan than i am. anywayz, oh and i got to interview alan sparhawk, which was kinda interesting.
    i hope yr good.
    lee tran
