Monday, October 29, 2007

Simulated Roomscape

Today, it was grey and wet and dark by 4.30pm. In a desperate attempt to do anything but an essay on Proportionality, Just War and the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah Scuffle, I downloaded the newish Google SketchUp program, which is: Awesome.

Instead of 1000 words on jus ad bellum, then, we have a 3D model of my one-room (plus bathroom) apartment. In colour. Lets just say it took me some time.

So, if, dear reader, you find yourself wondering what hijinks I'm up to o'er here, rest assured that what with wretched weather, lack of disposable income and impending academic assessments I am more than likely sitting in my private 25m2 penitentiary, which, while in actuality a lot more dirty, messy and filled with kitchen utensils, pieces of paper, books, clothes, chairs, and, on the walls, posters and postcards, is otherwise roughly as these diagrams suggest:

(view from above)

(view from the doorway)

(view of the main area)

(just imagine that outside the wind is blowing water at the window at a 65 degree angle)