Saturday, October 08, 2005


Drinks and schmaltzy jazz with the good looking Norweigans at After 8 :
(Alan and Cecilia, Lisa and me, Cecilia again)

Three of the things you can buy at the very large friday market:

(little pet fish, old broken toys, camel's feet)

Towla at our regular qahwa:

(Liam and Joel; an old man playing next to us)

Flags for Ramadan, in the City of the Dead

This is the Zamalek apartment building where Edward Said lived as a child, on the fifth floor.

This is a more or less typical old, abandoned, crumbling mansion in the quiet streets of Zamalek. One day soon I will buy this building, or one just like it, with purple flowers on the tree and a big wrought iron gate and I will do it up completely and it will have a gallery and studio spaces in it, and a cafe with live music and rooms for rent and a little bookstore, and if you want to join me, you are probably more than welcome.

Joel vs Camel:

Joel has fast become one of my favourite people I have ever met, by the way. In this picture he is wearing his little league baseball shirt from Maadi baseball league, in Cairo, from when he was a little tiger.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 am

    That Joel sure is cute! And apparently quite charming and wonderful, too - now that's lucky!
