Thursday, September 08, 2005

strangulation, beatings, and placement of lit cigarettes into the detainees ear openings

Just a quick update for y'all:

You know how I said in the last chrismail (below) that there was this goofy black guy from Maryland and I wondered why he was learning Arabic?

The reason is this:
He runs an intelligence company that has been contracted by the US Army to work for them in Iraq. And thus, next week big goofy Melvin heads out to the big US base in Germany for a week for briefing, and then onwards to Baghdad, where he, personally, will work as an interegator. I asked him, hesitatingly, what that involved, and he apologised for not being able to answer properly, because of the 'sensitivity' of the work.

Woot, I go to school with a torturer.


Now visit the below link for some juicy gossip about US interegation techniques.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. oh,yes please.

    i hear iowa is totally sweet.

    i've been so excited for so long about moving there.

    you are a lifesaver!


  3. Hi Chris,

    If you go into blogger, there is a feature that allows you to make your blog private instead of public (which doesn't allow random blog surfers any access to your site) - only the people who have your address can type it in the address bar and view it. I was getting inundated with the same kind of ads, and I found that it helped a lot.

    I also wrote to all of them with this angry (yes, and useless) letter, but it felt good, damnit!

    Dear Advertising Mongrels,

    Don't EVER post a link to your stinkin' cash-hungry sites on my blog again. I maintain a blog to share stories, thoughts and photos about my life and those of my friends for social and cultural reasons. There is absolutely NO commercial incentive in what I post and no commercial interest from the aquaintances who visit my site. I abhor individuals who crash my innocent site their attempts to consolidate your capitalist business ventures.

    So a big fuck you for leaving a trace to your own filthy sites, under the guise of having perused and enjoyed my blog. You didn't spend a second reading my blog - you simply used it for your own purposes.

    So fuck off and keep off my blog territory, you pathetic low-lives.

    You must be especially desperate and ridiculous to think you can actually make an honourable living peddling your miserable products and ventures in such a fashion.

    Yours self-righteously,

    Camille, so I have no anger-management problems, I swear.
